Croatian language is easily pronounced because a letter always has the same pronounciation no matter where it may occur. It should be noted that Croatian language is strictly phonetic, every word being pronounced exactly as it is spelt, following the principle:
"to write as you speak, and to speak as you write". If you stick to this principle, no great efforts will be required to pronounce and read Croatian language. It contains no sounds which are not found in English.
Numbers - Brojevi
0 zero - nula
1 one - jedan
2 two - dva
3 three - tri
4 four - četiri
5 five - pet
6 six - šest
7 seven - sedam
8 eight - osam
9 nine - devet
10 ten - deset
11 eleven - jedanaest
12 twelve - dvanaest
13 thirteen - trinaest
14 fourteen - četrnaest
15 fiftheen - petnaest
16 sixteen - šesnaest
17 seventeen - sedamnaest
18 eighteen - osamnaest
19 nineteen - devetnaest
20 twenty - dvadeset
30 thirty - trideset
40 forty - četrdeset
50 fifty - pedeset
60 sixty - šezdeset
70 seventy - sedamdeset
80 eighty - osamdeset
90 ninety - devedeset
100 a hundred - sto
102 one hundred and two - sto dva
500 five hundred - pet stotina
1000 a thousand - tisuća
a million - milijun
a milliard - milijarda
Forms of address - Oslovljavanje
Mr/Sir - gospodin
Mrs/Madam - gospođa
Miss/Madam - gospođica
Greetings - Pozdravi
Good morning! - Dobro jutro!
Good afternoon! - Dobar dan!
Good evening! - Dobra večer!
Good night! - Laku noć!
Hello! - Bog!
Cheerio! - Živio!
So long! - Doviđenja!
Goodbye! - Zbogom!
See you later! - Do skorog viđenja!
Good luck! - Sretno!
A pleasant journey! - Sretan put!
Congratulations - Čestitam
A merry Christmas! - Sretan Božić!
A happy New Year! - Sretna Nova godina!
A happy birthday! - Sretan rođendan!
My hearty congratulationst! - Srdačno čestitam!
Thank you and the same to you! - Hvala, i vama također
Days - Dani and Months - Mjeseci
Monday - ponedjeljak
Tuesday - utorak
Wednesday - srijeda
Thursday - četvrtak
Friday - petak
Saturday - subota
Sunday - nedjelja
January - siječanj
February - veljača
March - ožujak
April - travanj
May - svibanj
June - lipanj
July - srpanj
August - kolovoz
September - rujan
October - listopad
November - studeni
December - prosinac
Expressions of time - Vremenski izrazi
day - dan
yesterday - jučer
today - danas
tomorrow - sutra
working day - radni dan
holiday - praznik
week - tjedan
month - mjesec
year - godina
daily - dnevno
morning - jutro
this morning - jutros
noon - podne
afternoon - popodne
evening - večer
night - noć
midnight - ponoć
tonight - večeras
late - kasno
early - rano
always - uvijek
What time is it? - Koliko je sati?
It's exactly five o'clock - Točno je pet sati
It's half past five - Pet i pol
It's a quarter to six - Četvrt do šest
At what time? - U koliko sati?
At six p.m. - U šest popodne
Between five and six - Između pet i šest sati
December - prosinac
Holidays - Praznici
New Year's Day - Nova godina
Good Friday - Veliki petak
Easter - Uskrs
All Saint's Day - Svi sveti
Christmas - Božić
St. Blaise - Sveti Vlaho
Weather - Vrijeme
What's the weather like? - Kakvo je vrijeme?
The weather is fine. - Vrijeme je lijepo
The weather is bad. - Vrijeme je ružno
It's raining (snowing). - Pada kiša (snijeg)
It's foggy (cloudy). - Magla (oblačno) je
It' windy. - Puše vjetar
It's thundering. It's lightening - Grmi. Sijeva
It's freezing (thawing). - Mrzne (topi) se
The sun is shining. - Sunce sija
The moon is shining. - Mjesečina je
It's cold (warm). - Hladno (toplo) je
The weather forecast. - Prognoza vremena
Public signs - Javni natpisi
Entrance - Ulaz
Izlaz - Exit
Emergency exit - Izlaz za nuždu
Admission free - Ulaz slobodan
Engaged - Zauzeto
Vacant - Slobodno
Reserved - Rezervirano
Open - Otvoreno
Closed - Zatvoreno
For sale - Prodaje se
Room to rent - Soba se izdaje
Non-smoker - Nepušači
Gentlemen - Gospođa
Ladies - Gospođe
Pull - Vuci
Push - Guraj
Ring - Zvoni
Please close the door - Zatvorite vrata
Look out - Oprez
Caution - Oprez
Danger of death - Opasno po život
Do not touch - Ne diraj
Beware of - Čuvaj se
Keep to - Idite
Left - lijevo
Right - desno
Straight - ravno
Next - slijedeći
Forbidden - zabranjen
Emergency services - Hitne sluzbe
police - policija
fire - vatrogasci
ambulance car - kola hitne pomoći
Traveling - Putovanje
inquiry office - ured za informacije
lavatory - nužnik
booking office - biljetarnica
ticket - vozna karta
return ticket - povratna karta
fare - cijena karte
time-table - red vožnje
connection - veza
arrival - dolazak
departure - polazak
seat - sjedište
bert - ležaj
guard - kondukter
passenger - putnik
waiting room - čekaonica
suitcase - putna torba
luggage office - prijem prtljaga
porter - nosać
crew - posada
captain - kapetan
speed - brzina
transport - prijevoz
car - automobil
road - cesta
highway - autoput
petrol-station - benzinska stanica
petrol - gorivo
engine oil - motorno ulje
wash the car - oprati automobil
train - vlak
track - kolosijek
railway - željeznica
railway station - kolodvor
platform - peron
sleeping car - spavaća kola
local (slow) train - putnički
goods train - teretni
fast train - brzi
ship - brod
sea - more
cabin - kabina
to embark - ukrcati se
to disembark - iskrcati se
calm sea - mirno more
rough sea - nemirno more
high tide - plima
low tide - oseka
sailor - mornar
deck - paluba
boat - brod
ferry - trajekt
coast - obala
mainland - kopno
port - luka
lighthouse - svjetionik
life-belt - pojas za spašavanje
plane - avion
jet plane - mlazni avion
parchute - padobran
pilot - pilot
air-hostess - stjuardesa
to take off - poletjeti
to fly - letjeti
to land - sletjeti
Hotel - hotel
pension - boarding house
garage - garaža
reception desk - recepcija
drawing-room - salon
cloak-room - garderoba
kitchen - kuhinja
lift - dizalo
out of season - predsezona
sojourn tax - boravišna taksa
visitors' book - knjiga gostiju
to book a room - rezervirati sobu
waiter - konobar
waitress - konobarica
chambermaid - sobarica
porter - nosač
cook - kuhar
room - soba
suit of rooms - apartman
bedroom - spavaća soba
sitting-room - dnevna soba
lavatory - nužnik
shower - tuš
central heating - centralno grijanje
balcony - balkon
window - prozor
door - vrata
lock - brava
key - ključ
bed - krevet
pillow - jastuk
blanket - pokrivač
wardrobe - ormar
Colours - boje
white - bijela
black - crna
red - crvena
violet - ljubičasta
orange - narančasta
blue - plava
grey - siva
brown - smeđa
green - zelena
yellow - žuta
Bank - Banka, Exchange office - Mjenjačnica
change money - promijeniti novac
money - novac
cash - gotovina
coin - kovanica
currency - valuta
foreign exchange - devize
to pay - isplatiti
to pay in - uplatiti
amount - iznos
receipt - potvrda
value - vrijednost
interest - kamate
current account - tekući račun
checque book - čekovna knjižica
traveller's checque - putnički ček
signature - potpis
Shopping - Kupovina
trade - trgovina
tradesman - trgovac
customer - mušterija
sample - uzorak
fashion - moda
quality - kvaliteta
price - cijena
sale - rasprodaja
price-list - cijenik
bill - račun
to sell - prodati
to pay - platiti
foodstuffs - živežne namirnice
perfumery - parfumerija
household linen - rublje
footwear - obuća
leather - koža
toys - igračke
furniture - namještaj
wool - vuna
cotton - pamuk
silk - svila
suit - kostim
shirt - košulja
tie - kravata
dress - haljina
skirt - suknja
hat - šešir
hat - kapa
trousers - hlače
coat - ogrtač
belt - pojas
gloves - rukavice
socks - čarape
hand-bag - torbica
Town - Grad
sightseeng - razgledavanje
town-hall - vijećnica
school - škola
palace - palača
castle - dvorac
catherdal - katedrala
fortress - tvrđava
tower - toranj
monument - spomenik
library - biblioteka
exhibition - izložba
cemetry - groblje
ruins - ruševine
town plan - plan grada
street - ulica
suburb - predgrađe
place - trg
corner - ugao
river - rijeka
bridge - most
market-place - tržnica
fair - sajam
factory - tvornica
cinema - kino
theatre - kazalište
post-office - pošta
tourist office - turistički ured
police station - policijska stanica
shops - prodavaonice
book-shop - knjižara
drugstore - ljekarna
butcher's - mesnica
grocer's - mješovita roba
baker's - pekarnica
fishmonger's - ribarnica
department store - robna kuća
confectioner's - slastičarnica
tobacconist's - trafika
self-service - samoposluživanje
Restaurant - Restoran
ordering - narudžba
cover - prostirak
table-cloth - stolnjak
napkin - ubrus
glass - čaša
water - voda
jug - vrč
plate - tanjur
spoon - žlica
fork - vilica
knife - nož
tureen - zdjela
ash-tray - pepeljara
toothpick - čačkalica
salad - salata
bread - kruh
salt - sol
sugar - sećer
breakfast - doručak
coffee - kava
tea - čaj
milk - mlijeko
egg - jaje
hors d'oeuvres - hladna predjela
soups - juhe
hot side dishes - topla predjela
fish - riba
meat dishes - mesna jela
poultry - perad
game - divljač
spices - začini
vegetables - povrće
garnitures - prilozi
sauces - umaci
fruits - voće
sweets - slatko
drinks - pića
complaints - prigovori
paying - plaćanje
Different notions - Razni pojmovi
hairdresser - frizer
hair - kosa
shampoo - šampon
trim - podrezati
shave - brijanje
permanent wave - trajna ondulacija
face massage - masaža lica
make-up - šminkanje
manicure - manikiranje
pedicure - pedikiranje
nail - nokat
skin - koza
arm - ruka
leg - noga
eye - oko
ear - uho
tooth - zubi
nose - nos
face - lice
lips - usne
hands - ruke
watchmaker's - urar
watch - sat
alarm-clock - budilica
hand - kazaljka
photographer's - fotograf
develop - razviti
film - film
colour film - film u boji
negative - negative
camera - foto aparat
letter - pismo
postcard - razglednica
stamp - marka
tobacconost's - trafika
cigarettes - cigarete
packet - kutija
lighter - upaljač
box of matches - kutija šibica
tobacco - duhan
cigar - cigara
telephone - telefon
directory - imenik
line - linija
ring up - telefonirati
call-box - govornica
receiver - slušalica
local calls - mjesni razgovori
trunk calls - međumjesni razgovori
inland calls - tuzemni razgovori
overseas calls - inozemni razgovori
introduction - predstavljanje
age - godine
invitation - poziv
merried - oženjen
girl - djevojka, djevojčica
boy - mladić, dječak
woman - žena
man - muškarac
Relatives - Rodbina
parents - roditelji
father - otac
mother - majka
child - dijete
son - sin
daughter - kči
brother - brat
cousin - rođak
uncle - ujak, tetak, stric
aunt - ujna, tetka, strina
nephew - nećak
niece - nećakinja
husband - suprug
father in law - tast, svekar
mother in law - punica, svekrva
son in low - zet
daughter in law - snaha
brother in law - djever, šurjak
sister in law - zaova, šurjakinja
grandfather - djed
grandmother - baka
grandchild - unuk, unuka
Fun - Zabava
drama - drama
comedy - komedija
tragedy - tragedija
actor, actress - glumac, glumica
stage - pozornica
concert - koncert
song - pjesma
singer - pjevač
picture, film - film
ball, dancing - ples
dancing-room - plesna dvorana
Treatment - Liječenje
doctor, physician - liječnik
surgeon - kirurg
dentist - zubar
hospital - bolnica
nurse - bolničarka
illness, disease - bolest
medicine - lijek
pill - pilula
ointment - mast
injection - injekcija
contagious - zarazan
thermometer - toplomjer
symptoms of disease - simptomi bolesti
On the beach - Na plaži
sandy beach - pješčana plaža
sea - more
shingle - šljunak
cliffs - stijene
sun - sunce
sunburn - opekline
sunstroke - sunčanica
swim - plivati
dive - roniti
row - veslati
bathing costume - kupaći kostim
towel - ručnik
air-mattress - gumeni madrac